Transfer self made functions.php custom fields to Advanced Custom Fields [closed]

I’m at the end of a project exactly like that, and it’s a bit tricky, but it can be done.

  1. Using a CSV export/import plugin, (I’ve tried a few, but ended up
    with WP Ultimate CSV Importer) export the current data to a CSV
  2. Create the custom fields you want to use to replace existing fields.
  3. Create a sample post with the new ACF fields.
  4. Export that data to a CSV file.

From there, all you have to do is match the column headers from the new CSV file and paste them into the matching headers of the old data columns. This part was a bit tricky as I had a combination of ACF and standard fields, but if you get the column headers right, it works beautifully.

I did test imports into MAMP before trying it on the live site. Once you figure out exactly what the new headers are, the import will work (almost) perfectly.

The only issue I’ve had is that some of the columns don’t show up in the admin tables initially, (I’m still researching that because bulk editing doesn’t fix it and with 3000 entries, manually saving each one… nightmare), but once each post is saved, it will show up—the data does show up in the admin page, and when queried from the templates, so it’s a small issue.