Shortcode for Custom Field of Media Attachment (to use with Featured Images)

The most basic option I can think of is this

add_shortcode('bt_featured_image_acf_location', 'bt_featured_image_acf_location');
function bt_featured_image_acf_location ($atts) {
    return get_field('location', get_post_thumbnail_id());

Change ‘location’ to your acf field name and thats it.

get_post_thumbnail_id() will get the current post featured image id.

Once you have the ID of the post (images are posts, they are of the post type, attachment) that you want to get the ACF fields from you can pass it to get_field() in the second argument and you’re done.

Change it how ever you want and add as much logic as you need, this is the best I can do with the information you provided


If you use this shortcode inside a post template single.php, this shortcode works fine.

If you would like to display it anywhere else you will need to pass the post id manually.

Below the edited shortcode that can accept post id

add_shortcode('bt_featured_image_acf_location', 'bt_featured_image_acf_location');
function bt_featured_image_acf_location ($atts) {
    $atts = shortcode_atts([
        'post_id' => get_the_ID()
    ], $atts);

    return get_field('location', get_post_thumbnail_id($atts['post_id']));

Now this shortcode will still work the same way, but now you can pass it the post id

regular way to call it

echo do_shortcode('[bt_featured_image_acf_location]')

call the shortcode with post id

echo do_shortcode('[bt_featured_image_acf_location post_id="5526"]')