Have you looked through the basics?
You can set up subdomains,
or subdirectories
Or you can even route domains to the sub sites.
Check out that stuff first, as multisite is built in to WP since 3.0
If you had more specific questions you maybe rephrase your question?
Related Posts:
- How to set configuration options for particular sub blogs?
- Perform action on WPMU blog deletion
- Changing Multisite themes on mass
- Upload path/URL weirdness for the main blog of a multisite/network setup
- WP_Site_Query vs. WP_Network_Query in WordPress 4.6
- Multisite/network–automatic self-registration, blog setup
- How to upload images manually to wordpress?
- MU domain mapping login issue
- Sitemap Plugin for WordPress Network
- Restrict users on multisite WordPress install
- Import a regular WordPress blog into a MU installation
- Basic analytics across WordPress Multisite network [closed]
- Which is the recommended method to transfer a wordpress site to wordpress Multisite?
- Hierarchical Page Listing of all Pages in a Multisite Network
- Asian language multisite IDN subdomain
- Using separate Apache log files for multisite
- Changing Multisite URL after the subsite has been in use
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- Network setup tab is not shown under Tools
- How to make wp-signup.php a 1-step process [closed]
- Multi-site: Change the URL of main site to HTTPS
- How to show sites under “My Sites” Menu in admin panel wordpress multisite?
- What type of Google tracking should I use?
- Multiple Multisite networks on the same domain?
- How can I get multisite primary blog (url or path) for current user?
- How the mu-plugins Folder Works in a Multisite Installation?
- Replacing the default content created while the site creation
- What is the best practice to get a site from local to online?
- Yoast Sitemap grouping external sitemaps [closed]
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- upgrade from WPMU 2.9.2 to WP 3.2.1
- What does “Use BalanceTags” Do?
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- How to create a network using a command line script?
- How to list WP multisite languages
- Mapping subdomain to point to sudirectory site in WordPress Multisite Network
- Notice bar at frontpage for multisite
- Syncing content in Multisite. Possible?
- Query to import data from one MultiSite table to another (pages/sub-pages)
- How can I automatically duplicate a site’s pages onto network site?
- Multisite – Images often getting uploaded to the wrong month directory
- How to fix blocked cookies error that doesn’t let me log into wp-admin?
- Draft preview and customize permission problems on multisite main site
- Gravity Forms: gform_wrapper stays hidden even though JS-scripts load without errors
- How to create a Multi-Network subsite?
- Will changing the folder name two directories above a fresh wordpress installation break the site?
- Multisite -> XMLRPC
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- 404 redirecting to home [closed]
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- User registration on two sites in same multisite
- Multiple subsites in a single wordpress installation
- How many databases do I need?
- How to sync roles across Multisite?
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- WordPress Multisites or Multiple WP Single sites?
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- Is it possible to disable html code error auto fixing feature by wordpress 4.9.1?
- LimitInternalRecursion error
- Some permalinks are not working and show 404
- Should I use Multi Site to achieve different designs for different sections?
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- User registration is currently not allowed
- WPMU on MySQL limited to 1GB of space?
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- WordPress Multisite Permalinks on mapped domain = server 404 error
- Sites network with sub-folders
- Set my own password when registering a multisite user or site
- Efficient way to fetch all archived WPMS blogs
- Give users acces to admin a single post or set up WP network?
- WP-Cli Error When Mapping Multisite Subdomain
- WordPress Multisite for multi-language
- WordPress keeps deleting user account for multisite after loggin out i need your help please?
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- WP Multisite Sub-Domain Error
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- WordPress multisite condition for certain blog_id’s
- the menu of the network does not display my second website
- WordPress Multisite wp-admin/ redirect loop but adding index.php works fine
- Can WP multisite manage multiple ccTLDs
- Should i use multisite for my business?
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- Nginx rules for subdomain multisite install (Bedrock)
- WP Admin Panel for Multi-site install not loading JavaScript for one Subdomain
- WordPress Multisite redirect loop
- multisite detect subsite blog number
- How to Create WPMu New User?
- New multisite redirects to main site
- Is it possible to create a login for restricted visibility?
- WP Multisite: Do a function after blog is activated
- WordPress Multisite Subsite WP admin not working
- multi-language multi-site with REST API
- How to make Multisite global login that redirects to correct subsite after login
- Advice on WP site structure using multisite
- How to login Separately in each blog?
- WordPress Network / Multisite login to one site allow access to all