how do you get one specific term from a shortcode attribute?

It seems like you are trying to get a term by it’s slug or name. get_term() will get all the term’s data by it’s id. In this case, use get_term_by() instead:

function product_category_button($atts) {

        'category'  => '',
    ), $atts));

    // if( $category ) :

        // Vars
        $taxonomy = 'product_categories';
        // Use 'name' instead of 'slug' if you want to get the term by it's name
        $term = get_term_by( 'slug' , $category, $taxonomy ); //$post->ID
        $cat = $term->name;
        $parent = $term->parent;


        if ($parent == NULL) :

            // Vars
            $link = get_term_link( $term->slug, $taxonomy);

            $html_out .= '<a class="x-btn x-btn-primary x-btn-global hvr-bounce-to-bottom" href="' . $link . '">' . 'See All Products' . $cat . '</a>';

        return $html_out;

    // endif;

add_shortcode( 'see_all_products', 'product_category_button' );

For further reading, take a look into codex.