How to append custom text to the output of ‘categories widget’?

To append text to the end of the titles in that widget and nothing more i.e. does not matter the URL, you can just use some CSS.

 <a class="my-folder-categories">Category 1</a>
</li> {content:" folder";

This will effectivly make the text appear as so:

category 1 folder

Be sure to add that space in the content value.

If you want to use the plugin mentioned but not as a plugin, use the source and modify to your specs.

* Class Widget_Output_Filters
* Allows developers to filter the output of any WordPress widget.
class Widget_Output_Filters {

* Initializes the functionality by registering actions and filters.
public function __construct() {

// Priority of 9 to run before the Widget Logic plugin.
add_filter( 'dynamic_sidebar_params', array( $this, 'filter_dynamic_sidebar_params' ), 9 );

* Replaces the widget's display callback with the Dynamic Sidebar Params display callback, storing the original callback for use later.
* The $sidebar_params variable is not modified; it is only used to get the current widget's ID.
* @param array $sidebar_params The sidebar parameters.
* @return array The sidebar parameters
public function filter_dynamic_sidebar_params( $sidebar_params ) {

if ( is_admin() ) {
return $sidebar_params;

global $wp_registered_widgets;
$current_widget_id = $sidebar_params[0]['widget_id'];

$wp_registered_widgets[ $current_widget_id ]['original_callback'] = $wp_registered_widgets[ $current_widget_id ]['callback'];
$wp_registered_widgets[ $current_widget_id ]['callback'] = array( $this, 'display_widget' );

return $sidebar_params;

* Execute the widget's original callback function, filtering its output.
public function display_widget() {

global $wp_registered_widgets;
$original_callback_params = func_get_args();

$widget_id         = $original_callback_params[0]['widget_id'];
$original_callback = $wp_registered_widgets[ $widget_id ]['original_callback'];

$widget_id_base = $original_callback[0]->id_base;
$sidebar_id     = $original_callback_params[0]['id'];

if ( is_callable( $original_callback ) ) {

call_user_func_array( $original_callback, $original_callback_params );
$widget_output = ob_get_clean();

* Filter the widget's output.
* @param string $widget_output  The widget's output.
* @param string $widget_id_base The widget's base ID.
* @param string $widget_id      The widget's full ID.
* @param string $sidebar_id     The current sidebar ID.
echo apply_filters( 'widget_output', $widget_output, $widget_id_base, $widget_id, $sidebar_id );