How to automatically reload style variant .json?

I understand your frustration. In short, I don’t think it’s possible to I’ve been dabbling with FSE themes on and off (I adopted one for a site just a couple weeks ago)
I came to the conclusions/principles that seem to be unspoken or assumed (maybe they’re written elsewhere) about the full site editor:

(As you’re probably aware, for users who are comfortable with editing text files ; modify some theme settings is may take longer in the GUI than it would to edit a text file. This also makes version control more burdensome.

As a result, when I made changes to my block-based theme in my local wordpress installation and wanted to apply them on a remote server, I had to export the entire database locally; upload the .sql to my remote server and import the local database dump (granted this can be expedited through plugins or wp-cli).

This was the only way that I found where changes to theme.json and template files would be consistently applied.

In the past with classic themes, I’d just FTP or rsync the theme directory to the remote server.

I had this same question – how to sync changes made to theme files with the block editor , a couple years ago, and it’s still largely unaddressed.