You can visit – How to assign specific users the capability to edit specific pages / posts / custom post types
First of all: grant full access to projects post type (Example).
At the user profile add allowed posts’ id.
Then use the below filter to restrict access if post id isn’t allowed.
function allow_user_to_edit_cpt_filter( $capauser, $capask, $param){
global $wpdb;
$allowed_posts_id_for_current_user = array( '29', '30' ); // you need to get these ids yourself
$post = get_post( $param[2] );
// If current post isn't allowed then delete edit and delete capabilities
if( !in_array( $post->ID, $allowed_post_type_ids ) ){
if( ( $param[0] == "edit_projects") || ( $param[0] == "delete_projects" ) ) { // Change to yours capabilities
foreach( (array) $capask as $capasuppr) {
if ( array_key_exists($capasuppr, $capauser) ) {
$capauser[$capasuppr] = 0;
return $capauser;
add_filter('user_has_cap', 'allow_user_to_edit_cpt_filter', 100, 3 );
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