permissions access error

Sometimes hosting providers will implement mod_security (and not mention anything). Or else, mod_security was already on but a recent installation of a plugin or theme may have exposed this new problem for you.

You can try these four things…

  1. Add the following to your .htaccess file (add to .htaccess, don’t replace the other stuff already in it)

    <IfModule mod_security.c>
        SecFilterEngine Off
        SecFilterScanPOST Off
  2. chmod all your folders (including plugin and theme folders) to 777 temporarily just to confirm that it’s really not a permissions issue with file owner permissions. If it is, then you can go from there (maybe your site isn’t really running as ‘myftpuser’.

  3. Deactivate your plugins, one by one, testing your post after deactivating each one. (See if a plugin is causing this).

  4. Does the content you’re testing have the word “from” in it? If so, can you post without using that word as a test?