Prevent or Disable creating new users or changing roles of existing users to Administrator

Imho that’s one of the most important things regarding users:

 * Deny access to 'administrator' for other roles
 * Else anyone, with the edit_users capability, can edit others
 * to be administrators - even if they are only editors or authors
 * @since   0.1
 * @param   (array) $all_roles
 * @return  (array) $all_roles
function deny_change_to_admin( $all_roles )
    if ( ! current_user_can('administrator') )
        unset( $all_roles['administrator'] );

    if ( 
        ! current_user_can('administrator')
        OR ! current_user_can('editor')
        unset( $all_roles['editor'] );

    if ( 
        ! current_user_can('administrator')
        OR ! current_user_can('editor')
        OR ! current_user_can('author')
        unset( $all_roles['author'] );

    return $all_roles;
function deny_rolechange()
    add_filter( 'editable_roles', 'deny_change_to_admin' );
add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'deny_rolechange' );