Safe to set permissions to 757 temporarily to update via wp-cli?

I think setting a cron job to automatically turn permissions on and off might be a bit of an extreme workround 🙂 I think it is probably worth spending the time to set up working permissions on your server, rather than a cron job which could introduce other problems.

This has been a good resource for me –

This has also been a great resource for me –

These are the steps I have used to allow automatic / wp-cli updates of WordPress and plugins on an Ubuntu droplet with NGINX as the web server.

  1. Set the recommended file and folder permissions:

    750 for Directories
    640 for Files
    except for wp-config.php, this should be 440.

    To do this for directories:

    find /srv/www/your-site/ -type d -exec chmod 750 {} \;

    and files:

    find /srv/www/your-site/ -type f -exec chmod 640 {} \;

    and wp-config.php:

    sudo chmod 440 your-site/wp-config.php
  2. Set the owner and group to web:www-data where web is a non-root user with sudo user permissions.

    sudo chown -R web:www-data /srv/www/your-site

    This command will give you more information of what user / group NGINX is running under:

    ps -eo pid,comm,euser,supgrp | grep nginx

    The group is www-data in my case.

  3. Set setgid bit so that all new files inherit the group of the parent directory.

    sudo find /srv/www/your-site -type d -exec chmod g+s {} \;
  4. Give the group write access to the wp-content directory.

     sudo chmod g+w /srv/www/your-site/wp-content
  5. Give the group write access to the plugins, themes and uploads directories.

    sudo chmod -R g+w /srv/www/your-site/wp-content/themes
    sudo chmod -R g+w /srv/www/your-site/wp-content/plugins
    sudo chmod -R g+w /srv/www/your-site/wp-content/uploads
  6. Make sure you are running the core update command as the owner in step 2 if necessary switching to that user first.

    su web
    wp core update