How to pass posts_per_page and paged params query vars to custom taxonomy archive urls?

If I try to add &posts_per_page=15 to url, it doesn’t work: it won’t change number of post.

I wonder if you’re looking for a custom query variable, e.g. ppp, to change the number of posts for the main query:

add_filter( 'query_vars', function( $vars )
  $vars[] = "ppp";
  return $vars;
} );

add_action( 'pre_get_posts', function( \WP_Query $q )
    if( ! is_admin() && $q->is_main_query() )
        $ppp = $q->get( 'ppp' );
        if( ! empty( $ppp ) && 20 >= (int) $ppp )
            $q->set( 'posts_per_page', (int) $ppp );
} );

where we limit the maximum number of posts to 20. You could then restrict this further if needed.

What am I doing wrong?

The posts_per_page is a private query variable in the WP class, so you will not be able to use it as a GET parameter in your request, to modify the main query.

The paged is a public query variable, so you can access that one.