How to render WP Rest-API Endpoints in a React.js Theme with Woocommerce

I can access the points using http requests to the external api, but I
need to be able to access the full api inside of the react-wp-theme.

You could use either the wp-api script / Backbone JavaScript client library or one of the other client libraries listed here such as the node-wpapi library.

Using the wp-api script

  1. Enqueue the script:

    wp_enqueue_script( 'wp-api' );
  2. In index.php, make sure <?php wp_head(); ?> is added in the document head, and <?php wp_footer(); ?> in the body.

And then in your React components, access the client via window.wp.api instead of just wp.api:

const postsCollection = new window.wp.api.collections.Posts(); // like this
//const postsCollection = new wp.api.collections.Posts();      // not this

Here’s an example React Component which uses the Posts collection to retrieve one post: (the markup is based on your Post component)

import React from "react";

class Post extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.state = {
      error: null,
      isLoaded: false,
      item: {}

  componentDidMount() {
    // Instantiates the collection.
    const postsCollection = new window.wp.api.collections.Posts();

    // Retrieves one post.
    postsCollection.fetch({ data: { per_page: 1 } })
      .done(posts => {
          isLoaded: true,
          item: posts[0]
      .error((xhr, status, error) => {
          isLoaded: true,

  render() {
    const { error, isLoaded, item } = this.state;
    if (error || item.errors) {
      return <div>Error: {error || 'API error...'}</div>;
    } else if (! isLoaded) {
      return <div>Loading...</div>;
    } else {
      return (
        <div className="container indigo lighten-4">
          <div className="container flow-text py-5 mt-5">

export default Post;

Tried and tested working, and the code is based on the official example.

Using the node-wpapi library

You can refer to the documentation on installing the library and using it.

But here’s the above Post component, adapted to using the node-wpapi library: (the ... means nothing changed)

import React from "react";

const WPAPI = require('wpapi');
const wp = new WPAPI({
  endpoint: ''

class Post extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {

  componentDidMount() {
    // Retrieves one post.
      .then(posts => {
          isLoaded: true,
          item: posts[0]
      .catch(err => {
          isLoaded: true,
          error: err.message

  render() {

export default Post;

The Full Code

You can check my files here.