I would like to send a notification email (Asana) whenever something is published (posts, pages, custom post types) [duplicate]

The hook that you’re currently using is publish_<post type> which means the <post type> part is dynamic and the value is a post type name/slug.

So for other post types like page and (a custom post type named) my_cpt, you would just need to change the “post” (or the <post type> part) in the hook name to page, my_cpt or whatever is the post type name/slug like so:

add_action( 'publish_post', 'notifyauthor' );   // for the default 'post' post type
add_action( 'publish_page', 'notifyauthor' );   // for the default 'page' post type
add_action( 'publish_my_cpt', 'notifyauthor' ); // for a CPT with the name/slug my_cpt

Or if you want your action (notifyauthor()) to be called when any posts (regular Posts and Pages, and custom post types) is published, then you would want to use the transition_post_status() hook instead of the publish_<post type> hook.

Here’s an example based on this on the WordPress Developer Resources site:

function wpdocs_run_on_publish_only( $new_status, $old_status, $post ) {
    // Yes, I said "any posts", but you might better off specify a list of post
    // types instead. Or you could do the check in your notifyauthor() function
    // instead.
    $post_types = array( 'post', 'page', 'my_cpt', 'foo_bar', 'etc' );

    if ( ( 'publish' === $new_status && 'publish' !== $old_status ) &&
        in_array( $post->post_type, $post_types )
    ) {
        notifyauthor( $post->ID );
add_action( 'transition_post_status', 'wpdocs_run_on_publish_only', 10, 3 );

PS: If you use the above code/hook, then you should remove the add_action('publish_post', 'notifyauthor'); from your current code.