Is there a way to hook or call a custom woocomerce template that is not part of the default templates of woocommerce?

You could consider using the good ol’ get_template_part( string $slug, string $name = null, array $args = array() function, which is a native WP function. Especially now as it supports the third parameter for passing data to the template file (since WP 5.5).

Create a function (in your (child) theme functions.php file) that wraps around some get_template_part() call and hook it onto suitable action that WooCommerce provides.

EDIT 30.8.2020

You could for example have the following structure in your (child) theme directory,


To use the custom template parts, you could do the following in your functions.php file.

add_action( 'some_woocommerce_template_action', 'my_fancy_template_part' );
function my_fancy_template_part() {
    // pass data to the template part in an array
    $args = array(
        'key_1' => 'foo',
        'key_2' => 'bar',
    get_template_part( '/parts/my-template-part', null, $args );

add_action( 'some_other_woocommerce_template_action', 'my_fancy_template_part_alternative' );
function my_fancy_template_part_alternative() {
    // get a "named" part with shared prefix
    get_template_part( '/parts/my-template-part', 'alt' );

If you passed $args as the third parameter to get_template_part(), you can the access them in your template part file like so,

echo $args['key_1']; // foo