Getting custom field data from cart page to checkout page in woocomerce [closed]

Solved by adding this code

 * Update the order meta with field value
add_action( 'woocommerce_checkout_update_order_meta', 
'my_custom_checkout_field_update_order_meta' );

 function my_custom_checkout_field_update_order_meta( $order_id ) {
 if ( ! empty( $_POST['from_comments'] ) ) {
update_post_meta( $order_id, 'FROM', sanitize_text_field( 
 ) );
 * Update the order meta with field value
 add_action( 'woocommerce_checkout_update_order_meta', 
'my_customs_checkout_field_update_order_meta' );
 function my_customs_checkout_field_update_order_meta( $order_id ) {
 if ( ! empty( $_POST['to_comments'] ) ) {
update_post_meta( $order_id, 'TO', sanitize_text_field( 
 $_POST['to_comments'] ) 
 * Display field value on the order edit page
 add_action( 'woocommerce_admin_order_data_after_billing_address', 
 'my_custom_checkout_field_display_admin_order_meta', 10, 1 );
  function my_custom_checkout_field_display_admin_order_meta($order){
  echo '<p><strong>'.__('FROM').':</strong> ' . get_post_meta( $order->id, 'FROM', true 
   ) . '</p>';
   echo '<p><strong>'.__('TO').':</strong> ' . get_post_meta( $order->id, 'TO', true ) 
   . '</p>';
   * Add the field to the checkout
   add_action( 'woocommerce_after_order_notes', 'my_custom_checkout_field' );

    function my_custom_checkout_field( $checkout ) {
    echo '<div id="my_custom_checkout_field"><h2>' . __('TO ') . '</h2>';
    woocommerce_form_field( 'from_comments', array(
   'type'          => 'text',
   'class'         => array('my-field-class form-row-wide'),
    'placeholder'   => __('FROM'),
     ), $checkout->get_value( 'from_comments' ));

   woocommerce_form_field( 'to_comments', array(
'type'          => 'text',
'class'         => array('my-field-class form-row-wide'),
'placeholder'   => __('TO'),
), $checkout->get_value( 'to_comments' ));
   echo '</div>';