Logout via Subdomain, non-wordpress page on a different server?

You can create a file called custom_logout.php and place it in the root wordpress directory. This contains

     require_once("wp-load.php"); //load wordpress
     wp_logout(); //logout
     exit(); //end page

Then in your subdomain site open the url with an anchor tag

<a href="http://youwebsite.com/custom_logout.php">Logout</a>

You can’t create a whitelist easily because it would involve checking where the user is coming from using $_SERVER[‘HTTP_REFERER’] which is unreliable(usually null). There is no simple solution for this unfortunately.

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You are completely free to implement the temporary key approach if that is a responsible compromise. However, instead of two random keys you can send a md5 hash of the current day. Use an identical secret salt on both servers. Now you can simply recompute yesterday’s hash and the current day’s in custom_logout.php and compare it to the get variable that is incoming. It eliminates the need for a txt/ini file.

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