How to secure WordPress XMLRPC?

XMLRPC is as secure as the rest of WordPress. All of the requests need to be authenticated with username and password credentials that exist on your site already. That means, if someone has a login for your site, they can use the XMLRPC interface (if it’s turned on). But anonymous users can’t get in.

The only potential security vulnerability you might face with XMLRPC is that of a man in the middle attack. But you face this same risk with the regular WordPress admin, so it’s not unique to XMLRPC.

The best way to prevent this kind of an issue is to enable SSL security on your site. You’ll need an SSL certificate, and then you need to access you XMLRPC endpoint via https:// rather than http://. This will encrypt your requests and prevent anyone from intercepting them and stealing your credentials.

You should also enable SSL security on login for your regular site because it, too, faces the same risks.

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