Nested Custom Taxonomies | Incorrect posts when querying

The issue is that the get_posts function is being called outside of the $TaxanomiesB loop. Move it inside and make sure the current $TaxanomyB is being used in the $args in get_posts.

Add data to $TaxanomyAArray and $TaxanomyBArray at the end of each for-each loop, otherwise the first object in the array will just be empty.

You also need to re-initialze the $array variables at the start of each parent loop, otherwise you’ll end up with repeats of each post/taxonomy multiple times per set (like 'a' => (1 => (foo, bar), 2 => (foo, bar, foo, bar)), 'b' => 1 => (foo, bar, foo, bar, foo, bar) …etc).

$TaxanomiesA = get_terms("TaxanomyA", array('hide_empty' => false));
$TaxanomiesB = get_terms("TaxanomyB", array('hide_empty' => false));

$TaxanomyAArray = array();

foreach($TaxanomiesA as $TaxanomyA) {
    $TaxanomyBArray = array();
    foreach($TaxanomiesB as $TaxanomyB){
        $args = array(//Arguments with $TaxonomyB);
        $posts = get_posts( $args );
        $postsArray = array();
        foreach($posts as $post){
            $postsArray[] = array (  
                'id' => $post->ID,
                 'name' => $post->title
        $TaxanomyBArray[] = array (  
            'id' => $TaxanomyB->term_id,
            'name' => $TaxanomyB->name,
            'posts' => $postsArray

    $TaxanomyAArray[] = array (  
        'id' => $TaxanomyA->term_id,
        'name' => $TaxanomyA->name,
        'TaxanomyB' => $TaxanomyBArray

$jsonOutput = array(
     'JSON' => $TaxanomyAArray

echo json_encode($jsonOutput, JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES);