Programmatically Add Font-Awesome Icons to Category Widget


You don’t explain how you want to install the Font Awesome package, so I just assume for the moment that you use the plugin Font Awesome Icons.

You wrote:

Before anyone says use a background image, I do not want to do that. I
would like it to be physical.

so I assume you want to use the <i> tag directly, for example:

<i class="fa icon-caret-right"></i>

after each category link in the widget category list.


You can use the wp_list_categories filter to modify the output of the widget category list.


Here is a simple example how to inject it into the category list via the wp_list_categories filter:

 * Inject Font Awesome <i> tag after each widget category link
 * @param string $output
 * @return string $output

 function custom_wp_list_categories( $output )
     remove_filter( current_filter(), __FUNCTION__ ); 
     return str_ireplace( '</li>', '<i class="fa icon-caret-right"></i></li>', $output);

 add_action( 'widgets_init', function(){
     add_filter( 'wp_list_categories', 'custom_wp_list_categories' );

This will give you an output similar to this one:


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