R Error (from NA’s to 0): duplicate subscripts for column in Data Frame

I looked at multiple answers on Stackoverflow, but I stil couldn’t fix my problem. I made a function that works, but I added something and now it won’t work anymore. I want to replace all NA’s to 0, which seems simple to me.

This is my function, and I added bframe[is.na(bframe)] <- 0:

B <- function(frame1, frame2, column){
  bframe <- merge(frame 1, frame2, by = column, all = TRUE)
  bframe$result <- bframe$freq.x - bframe$freq.y
  bframe$percentage <- (bframe$result/bframe$freq.y)*100
  bframe[is.na(bframe)] <- 0

B(DT2_1, 2_1, "BurgS")

However, it gives this error: Error in '[<-.data.frame'('* tmp *, thisvar, value = 0) : duplicate subscripts for columns.

The error occurs because there are NAs and it cannot perform the calculations:

BurgS  freq.x  freq.y  result   percentage  percentageABS
1      9204    184042  -174838  -94.99897   94.99897 
2      150     3034    -2884    -95.05603   95.05603 
3      130     2602    -2472    -95.00384   95.00384 
98     NA      47      NA       NA          NA 

Not every data frame has this structure, so I am looking for a solution that changes NA’s in the whole data set. Can someone help me out?

Changed 26/6/2018: I stumbled up the solution myself. The code is as follows, so that the NA of freq.x is changed to 0 and still can be part of the calculations which the outcome is shown in the last three columns:

B <- function(frame1, frame2, column){
  bframe$freq.x[is.na(bframe$freq.x)] <- 0
  bframe <- merge(frame 1, frame2, by = column, all = TRUE)
  bframe$result <- bframe$freq.x - bframe$freq.y
  bframe$percentage <- (bframe$result/bframe$freq.y)*100

B(DT2_1, 2_1, "BurgS")

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