Rename image during upload using date and time stamp?

You could e.g. check the filename and extension from the pathinfo, after your custom sanitization.


If the filename is empty and extension non-empty, then add the formatted current time as the filename part:

$info = pathinfo( $file['name'] );
if( empty( $info['filename'] ) && ! empty( $info['extension'] ) )
    $file['name'] = sprintf( '%s.%s', current_time( 'Y-m-d-H-i-s' ), $info['extension'] );

If the file áéíú.png is stripped to .png with your custom sanitization, then it would be renamed to 2016-08-14-10-54-07.png

Note that if you import another such file within the same second, then wp_unique_filename() will add -1 to the filename part so it will be renamed to 2016-08-14-10-54-07-1.png. The third file would get -2 appended and so on.

Hope you can adjust this further to your needs.