Renaming a WordPress Admin Menu

This is what I do to rename menu items: in the action hook admin_menu, use a recursive array search to pinpoint the key position of the desired menu and then modify the global $menu array.

add_action( 'admin_menu', 'rename_woocoomerce_wpse_100758', 999 );

function rename_woocoomerce_wpse_100758() 
    global $menu;

    // Pinpoint menu item
    $woo = recursive_array_search_php_91365( 'WooCommerce', $menu );

    // Validate
    if( !$woo )

    $menu[$woo][0] = 'Store Settings';

function recursive_array_search_php_91365( $needle, $haystack ) 
    foreach( $haystack as $key => $value ) 
        $current_key = $key;
            $needle === $value 
            OR ( 
                is_array( $value )
                && recursive_array_search_php_91365( $needle, $value ) !== false 
            return $current_key;
    return false;

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