REST API for Multisite

I’m using the REST API to pull data about one multisite installation and feed it to sites in another multisite installation.

Here’s some of the code in use:

class WPSE205354_Demo {
    function __construct() {
        add_filter( 'json_endpoints', array( $this, 'register_routes' ) );

     * Register the additional API routes
     * @param array $routes The routes from the WP REST API
     * @return array The filtered array of API routes
    public function register_routes( array $routes ) {

        $routes['/sites'] = array(
            array( array( $this, 'get_sites' ), WP_JSON_Server::READABLE ),

        return $routes;

     * Get the list of public sites
     * @return array The list of public sites
    function get_sites() {

        $args = array(
            'public'    => 1,   // I only want the sites marked Public
            'archived'  => 0,
            'mature'    => 0,
            'spam'    => 0,
            'deleted'   => 0,

        $sites = wp_get_sites( $args );

        return $sites;



I’ve network-activated the plugin, and also the WP JSON API plugin (I’m using v. 1.2.3).

To see what that returns, you would go to (spoiler alert: it’s the list of public sites in your WordPress Multisite network).


I found pretty much everything I needed on the WP API site.

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