Rewrite rule for Custom post type Monthly and Yearly archive

I used this to enable yearly and monthly archive for custom post type. Just drop in this code into your functions.php file.

This will add your custom rule right on the top of the Rules array. NB – WordPress uses rules array to store rewrite rules.

        function wpse22992_custom_post_rewrite( $rewrite_rules ) {

                $cpslug = 'contest_recipe'; // custom post type slug

                // Rule to display monthly archive -> contest_recipe/2012/08/
                $year_archive = array( $cpslug . '/([0-9]{4})/([0-9]{1,2})/?$' => 'index.php?year=$matches[1]&monthnum=$matches[2]&post_type=" . $cpslug );

                // Rule to display yearly archive -> contest_recipe/2012/
                $month_archive = array( $cpslug . "/([0-9]{4})/?$' => 'index.php?year=$matches[1]&post_type=" . $cpslug );

                $rewrite_rules = $year_archive + $month_archive + $rewrite_rules;

                return $rewrite_rules;


        add_filter("rewrite_rules_array', 'wpse22992_custom_post_rewrite');

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