Well first of all, that tutorial is “doing it wrong” in the AJAX department. WordPress has an AJAX API, which should be used in this case.
That said, the basis of your problem is this:
$args = array(
'posts_per_page' => $numPosts,
'paged' => $page
Those are your query arguments for the posts you’re requesting. Note that there’s nothing regarding which author you want to fetch posts from. You need to set an author parameter the same way you set the number of posts and the page number.
As far as numbers of posts and pages are concerned, every query object contains some properties which you can use to determine when you should load more posts.
In the case of your author query:
$author = new WP_Query($args);
echo $author->post_count; // number of posts in this result set
echo $author->found_posts; // total number of posts from this query
echo $author->max_num_pages // total number of pages