Include future posts in tags and in search

To achieve the intended result you will have to modify the query by adding the future value to the post_status parameter via the pre_get_posts filter hook.

add_action( 'pre_get_posts', 'se338152_future_post_tag_and_search' );
function se338152_future_post_tag_and_search( $query )
    // apply changes only for search and tag archive
    if ( ! ( $query->is_main_query() && (is_tag() || is_search()) ) )

    $status = $query->get('post_status');
    if ( empty($status) )
        $status = ['publish'];
    if ( !is_array($status) )
        $status = (array)$status;
    $status[] = 'future';

    $query->set('post_status', $status);

Conditional tags is_search() and is_tax() will allow you to modify the query only on the search page or the tag archive.