Search Engine Visibility checkbox after indexed

Google’s Webmaster Tools allows you to request pages to be removed from Google’s index. This should happen a bit quicker than waiting for the crawler to remove the site automatically.

If you haven’t already, you or your client will need to add the develop site to Webmaster Tools. Then you can do the following for each link added to the index:

  1. On the Webmaster Tools home page, click the site you want.
  2. On the Dashboard, click Google Index on the left-hand menu.
  3. Click Remove URLs.
  4. Click New removal request.
  5. Type the URL of the page you want removed from search results (not the Google search results URL or cached page URL), and then click Continue. How to find the right URL. The URL is case-sensitive—use exactly the same characters and capitalization that the site uses.
  6. Click Yes, remove this page.
  7. Click Submit Request.

From Google Support