C# function to return array

You’re trying to return variable Labels of type ArtworkData instead of array, therefore this needs to be in the method signature as its return type. You need to modify your code as such: Array[] is actually an array of Array, if that makes sense.

Checking if a key exists in a JavaScript object?

Checking for undefined-ness is not an accurate way of testing whether a key exists. What if the key exists but the value is actually undefined? Expand snippet You should instead use the in operator: Expand snippet If you want to check if a key doesn’t exist, remember to use parenthesis: Expand snippet Or, if you … Read more

javascript push multidimensional array

Arrays must have zero based integer indexes in JavaScript. So: Or maybe you want to use objects (which are associative arrays): which is equivalent to: It’s a really fundamental and crucial difference between JavaScript arrays and JavaScript objects (which are associative arrays) that every JavaScript developer must understand.

Can I put a tuple into an array in python?

One thing to keep in mind is that a tuple is immutable. This means that once it’s created, you can’t modify it in-place. A list, on the other hand, is mutable — meaning you can add elements, remove elements, and change elements in-place. A list has extra overhead, so only use a list if you need to modify … Read more

Proper way to pass dynamic arrays to other functions

Actually, the two first ideas pass the array by address and the third passes the array by reference. You can devise a little test to check this: The output of this test is If a parameter is passed by value, it cannot be modified inside a function because the modifications will stay in the scope of the function. In … Read more