Change GitHub Account username

Yes, it’s possible. But first read, “What happens when I change my username?” To change your username, click your profile picture in the top right corner, then click Settings. On the left side, click Account. Then click Change username.

Git push results in “Authentication Failed”

If you enabled two-factor authentication in your Github account you won’t be able to push via HTTPS using your accounts password. Instead you need to generate a personal access token. This can be done in the application settings of your Github account. Using this token as your password should allow you to push to your … Read more

Git push results in “Authentication Failed”

If you enabled two-factor authentication in your Github account you won’t be able to push via HTTPS using your accounts password. Instead you need to generate a personal access token. This can be done in the application settings of your Github account. Using this token as your password should allow you to push to your … Read more

What is an Endpoint?

All of the answers posted so far are correct, an endpoint is simply one end of a communication channel. In the case of OAuth, there are three endpoints you need to be concerned with: Temporary Credential Request URI (called the Request Token URL in the OAuth 1.0a community spec). This is a URI that you … Read more

Authentication versus Authorization

Authentication is the process of ascertaining that somebody really is who they claim to be. Authorization refers to rules that determine who is allowed to do what. E.g. Adam may be authorized to create and delete databases, while Usama is only authorised to read. The two concepts are completely orthogonal and independent, but both are central to security design, … Read more