How to force buddypress users to complete profile after registration? [closed]

Use wp_redirect() and admin_url() to redirect the user to his profile page if the custom buddypress user meta data isn’t completely filled. From another answer, I’ve seen that there’s the following function: bp_get_profile_field_data(). So you can easily build a template tag, that gives you either the full buddy user meta data set, or simply a … Read more

What problems can BuddyPress make? [closed]

I think the question is: What do want to accomplish? For a subset of features e.g. an activity stream for your WordPress Network it works fine in my experience. If you want a full-blown social network, with messaging, events, groups, blogs, forums all working neatly together better invest a good amount of time. Some caveats … Read more

Get user role by using user_id in buddypress

Try this function: function get_user_role($user_id){ global $wpdb; $user = get_userdata( $user_id ); $capabilities = $user->{$wpdb->prefix . ‘capabilities’}; if ( !isset( $wp_roles ) ){ $wp_roles = new WP_Roles(); } foreach ( $wp_roles->role_names as $role => $name ) { if ( array_key_exists( $role, $capabilities ) ) { return $role; } } return false; } I’ve not included … Read more

Buddypress Full documentation [closed]

and here is the almighty output for buddypress 1.5.2! bp_activity_setup_globals bp_activity_setup_nav bp_activity_directory_activity_setup bp_activity_screen_my_activity bp_activity_screen_friends bp_activity_screen_groups bp_activity_screen_favorites bp_activity_screen_mentions bp_activity_screen_notification_settings bp_register_activity_actions bp_blogs_setup_globals bp_blogs_setup_nav bp_blogs_directory_blogs_setup bp_blogs_screen_my_blogs bp_blogs_screen_create_a_blog bp_blogs_register_activity_actions bp_core_admin_screen_fields bp_core_admin_screen bp_adminbar_logo bp_adminbar_menus bp_adminbar_random_menu bp_notification_settings bp_signup_validate bp_complete_signup bp_styles bp_custom_profile_boxes bp_custom_profile_sidebar_boxes bp_core_setup_globals bp_core_action_directory_members bp_core_render_message bp_core_clear_cache bp_include bp_setup_root_components bp_setup_globals bp_setup_nav bp_register_widgets bp_init bb_admin_footer bb_admin_head bb_pre_export bb_export bb_admin_notices bb_schema_defined bb_get_admin_header bb_admin_menu_generator bb_admin_notices … Read more

How to edit bbPress template files – WordPress + BuddyPress + bbPress? [closed]

I have found the answer for myself actually. Yes, I love the fact that bbPress is not obtrusive! It almost doesn’t matter at all how I am trying integrate BuddyPress here. So this narrow downs to customise bbPress template when installed as a plugin to WordPress. The answer is here: Thanks for Zaerl on … Read more

Bulk Delete Users Error uri too large

I would shy away from trying to do this is SQL. It is possible but probably not necessary and is more prone to error that using WordPress Core functions. You could use get_users() or WP_User_Query to retrieve your users but given that you only want to keep two users and you only need the ID … Read more

wp_editor on front end – JavaScripts not included

note that wp_editor will echo to output, not put it in a variable. If you want to put it in a variable, just do ob_start(); wp_editor($content, ‘textarea_rich’, $args); $html = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); and you have what you need in $html. You can also see for a working implementation. Another issue I noted is some … Read more