How can I set size of a button?

The following bit of code does what you ask for. Just make sure that you assign enough space so that the text on the button becomes visible The X and Y (two first parameters of the GridLayout constructor) specify the number of rows and columns in the grid (respectively). You may leave one of them … Read more

Making an image act like a button

It sounds like you want an image button: Alternatively, you can use CSS to make the existing submit button use your image as its background. In any case, you don’t want a separate <img /> element on the page.

How to change the buttons text using javascript

If the HTMLElement is input[type=’button’], input[type=’submit’], etc. change it using this code: If, the HTMLElement is button[type=’button’], button[type=’submit’], etc: change it using any of these methods, Please note that input is an empty tag and cannot have innerHTML, innerText or textContent button is a container tag and can have innerHTML, innerText or textContent Ignore this … Read more