submit button not work

Maybe you should add action=”” in echo'<form method=”post”>’; change to: echo'<form method=”post” action=””>’;

Button not working?

there is a major problems in your code : 1- you must use the <form> when you want to submit the data whatever the system you use (wordpress, EE ,php ,html …). 2- if you want to check if the page submitted or just visited without submitted, you must change your condition to : if(!empty($_POST)){ … Read more

PayPal buttons not working after 4.2.4 upgrade

Well, I figured it out myself. I updated my theme and all related plugins, and then magically, the PayPal code stopped getting switched each time that I clicked “update” for that page. Who knows why that was happening, but I guess just a glitch in the new version of WP/Avada working together.

Simple Share Buttons Add Plugin and Custom Post Type

Here is the solution : You need to hook an action to remove ssba button. Wp action runs pretty early and allow you to remove the ssba filter on the content which add the buttons list. function remove_share_buttons_custom_post() { if (in_array(get_post_type(),array(‘sar’))) { remove_filter( ‘the_content’, ‘show_share_buttons’); } } add_action(‘wp’, ‘remove_share_buttons_custom_post’);

Add new MCE button for toggle specific cell background color

I have found a great tutorial about making a custom button to the tinymce. You can just follow this guide and copy all of it. Don’t forget to activate your new plugin in the plugin menu (in admin panel). Then you can just change the code inside index.js and especially in the ed.addCommand(“green_command”, function() … Read more

Button to execute shorcode [closed]

That could be have a sense if the shortcode is only for content and if that can help you to limit the charge of queries. Then use wp_ajax and do_shortcode in. But keep careful because a lot of shortcodes define css in wp_head & js in wp_footer, so with this solution it will … Read more

Back button to previous page and breadcrumbs

For the button behavior, If it’s a one-off use case, you could add custom php conditional to check the referring url $_SERVER[‘HTTP_REFERER’] and current page/post ID or url. Then, either add a class to the button’s containing div wrapper in the template for hiding via css or directly output/include the button html in the template … Read more