theme.json should be in the child theme folder when using xxxx.json style located in the styles folder?

Short answer: No Long answer: The child themes theme.json will simply use the TT3 theme.json values if a specific value is not found. So you can make a new theme.json file only with the specific values needed for the child theme. An excellent writeup is available here:

Twenty-Twenty-Two Child Theme Mega Menu

For the ‘Everything’ submenu, you can target it and then set the width to simply fit the content. nav.wp-container-2 li.wp-block-navigation-item.has-child ul.wp-block-navigation__submenu-container { width: fit-content; } This worked for me on StackBlitz, but you may need greater specificity (MDN) to target the element in your project. Note that you can also flag it as important (MDN) … Read more

What’s your workflow for converting a static HTML website to WordPress? [closed]

For Case 1: Building from scratch First you need to create the Theme Stylesheet called style.css for registering the theme. Then create the index.php file form your raw HTML index file. After that break down the index.php into header.php, index.php and foter.php to create the primary scaffolding for your theme. Then create functions.php archive.php page.php … Read more

How to fix enqueue_styles error for a twenty-seventeen childtheme

I think you can try with this code below. function childtheme_enqueue_styles() { wp_enqueue_style( ‘parent-style’, get_template_directory_uri() . ‘/style.css’, array(), wp_get_theme()->parent()->get(‘Version’) ); wp_enqueue_style( ‘child-style’, get_stylesheet_uri(), array( ‘parent-style’ ), wp_get_theme()->get(‘Version’) // Note you must provide a version into the child theme ); } add_action( ‘wp_enqueue_scripts’, ‘childtheme_enqueue_styles’ );