Disable gzip on WordPress

Check .htaccess on /home/ and /homr/public_html/ (For example of site root), Probably there are some codes there to add gzip to the web server a web server can enable the gzip as default check php.ini file for zlib.output_compression value, It should be off

How can I zip/compress a symlink?

You can store symlinks as symlinks (as opposed to a copy of the file/directory they point to) using the –symlinks parameter of the standard zip. Assuming foo is a directory containing symlinks: zip –symlinks -r foo.zip foo/ Rar equivalent: rar a -ol foo.rar foo/ tar stores them as is by default. tar czpvf foo.tgz foo/ … Read more

Is wordpress compressing my images? if so, how to prevent it?

A nice explanation is at WPMUdev: http://premium.wpmudev.org/blog/how-to-change-jpeg-compression-in-wordpress/ According to their tutorial, you’d need to add the following to your functions.php add_filter( ‘jpeg_quality’, create_function( ”, ‘return 100;’ ) ); They also suggest regenerating your thumbnails once the change is made so previously uploaded images will be affected by the quality change.

Google Page Speed Insights – Optimize Images

First, don’t let Google Insights drive you to chase an ROI that might not be there. Maybe for 1M of image data improvement, it is worth looking into – but after awhile that tool will have you minifying 1K css files to save 100 bytes. Second, regarding images – don’t just blindly reduce (‘compress’…really a … Read more