Class Declarations for temperature program in Java

You need a Temperature class. I’m just guessing that you’ve added those methods to the TempProg considering the improper “constructor”. What you need is another class all together like so… The constructor should not return a value. It should look like… public Temperature(), or some variation depending on your specific requirements.

Where to declare/define class scope constants in C++?

I’m curious about the benefits/detriments of different constant declaration and definition options in C++. For the longest time, I’ve just been declaring them at the top of the header file before the class definition: While this pollutes the global namespace (which I know is a bad thing, but have never found a laundry list of … Read more

typedef struct pointer definition

You cannot use pEDGE within the definition of the struct. You shoud do something like: You must also note that edge_item is a double pointer. You also mention that in your question. So if you use pEDGE_ITEM and you just want to have a normal pointer you should not write pEDGE_ITEM *edge_item but just pEDGE_ITEM … Read more