Display multiple “save draft button” on a post edit

One really simple way is to just insert another “save draft” button wherever you want in your post editor page. <input type=”submit” name=”save” value=”Save Draft” class=”button”> You essentially just want to make sure it’s got “save” as it’s name attribute and “Save Draft” as it’s value.

WordPress is creating a lot of draft posts

A good place to start with an issue like this is using debug mode in WP. https://codex.wordpress.org/Debugging_in_WordPress If you know exactly which action triggers the creation of a draft post, then it is repeatable and you have a basis for a solution. Based on your question, “whenever I load the posts page” is what creates … Read more

draft post and publish post manage

Sure it is – you can use the wp_insert_post_data filter: function no_going_back_to_draft($slashed_data , $post_data) { if($slashed_data[‘post_status’] == ‘draft’) { // we’re only interested in posts being saved as “drafts” $user = wp_get_current_user(); if ( in_array( ‘no-going-back-to-draft-role’, (array) $user->roles ) ) { // we’re only interested in users with that special, restricted role $post = get_post($post_data[‘ID’]); … Read more

Connection dropped due to file size

It sounds like you are attempting to push too much data at one time. GoDaddy may be terminating the connection because of a size limit per request or the upload is taking longer than they allow (because it is so large.) In either case it is a sign the amount of data is too large. … Read more