Embed a Google Docs in WordPress?
Did you search the Plugin Repository? There’s this one. There are also all of these.
Did you search the Plugin Repository? There’s this one. There are also all of these.
No, that’s not possible. You can find a list of providers for embeddable coontent in wp-includes/class-oembed.php: ‘#https?://(www\.)?youtube.com/watch.*#i’ ‘http://youtu.be/*’ ‘http://blip.tv/*’ ‘#https?://(www\.)?vimeo\.com/.*#i’ ‘#https?://(www\.)?dailymotion\.com/.*#i’ ‘#https?://(www\.)?flickr\.com/.*#i’ ‘#https?://(.+\.)?smugmug\.com/.*#i’ ‘#https?://(www\.)?hulu\.com/watch/.*#i’ ‘#https?://(www\.)?viddler\.com/.*#i’ ‘http://qik.com/*’ ‘http://revision3.com/*’ ‘http://i*.photobucket.com/albums/*’ ‘http://gi*.photobucket.com/groups/*’ ‘#https?://(www\.)?scribd\.com/.*#i’ ‘http://wordpress.tv/*’ ‘#https?://(.+\.)?polldaddy\.com/.*#i’ ‘#https?://(www\.)?funnyordie\.com/videos/.*#i’ ‘#https?://(www\.)?twitter.com/.+?/status(es)?/.*#i’ ‘#https?://(www\.)?soundcloud\.com/.*#i’ ‘#https?://(www\.)?slideshare.net/*#’ ‘#http://instagr(\.am|am\.com)/p/.*#i’ Google is not in that list, so you have to ask the administrator.
If you’re using Google Docs, then this plugin Google Spreadsheet Viewer might be helpful.
Your best option for a form plugin is Gravity Forms. It has the ability to create multiple choice options via a drop down or check box and you can use conditional logic that will display fields based on choices in previous fields. I highly recommend it.
Create an iframe in your post content, and set its source as the google spreadsheet! You’ll probably want to create a shortcode for iframes as they’re stripped out of post content automatically, but there are questions asking how to do that on this site
I’m not sure this question is WordPress-related. It sounds like it might be handled via .htaccess redirect, or a browser extension. That said: you could try to use the wp_get_attachment_url filter, that is applied to the URL returned by wp_get_attachment_url(). For example: function wpse95271_filter_wp_get_attachment_url( $url ) { if ( 0 === stripos( strrev( $url ), … Read more
I see most examples from Google is they use only functions in a single giant script. e.g. https://developers.google.com/apps-script/quickstart/macros But in our style, we usually write all functions under a single namespace, such as However, when I run the code above, it return How to solve?
WARNING: This functionality is deprecated. See warning below in comments. Have a look at this question: Direct download from Google Drive using Google Drive API Basically you have to create a public directory and access your files by relative reference with something like Alternatively, you can use this script: https://github.com/circulosmeos/gdown.pl