Making `wget` not save the page

You can redirect the output of wget to /dev/null (or NUL on Windows): wget -O /dev/null The file won’t be written to disk, but it will be downloaded.

how to download the ssl certificate from a website?

In order to download the certificate, you need to use the client built into openssl like so: echo -n | openssl s_client -connect $HOST:$PORTNUMBER -servername $SERVERNAME \ | openssl x509 > /tmp/$SERVERNAME.cert That will save the certificate to /tmp/$SERVERNAME.cert. The -servername is used to select the correct certificate when multiple are presented, in the case … Read more

wget not recognized as internal or external command

wget is a third-party program that doesn’t come bundled with Windows, so you need to explicitly install it in order to use it. You can find (one of) the Windows versions here: You will need to add the path of the wget.exe file to your PATH environment variable in order to call the executable as in the batch file above … Read more

wget returns “Unable to establish SSL connection”

This is most likely due to a TLS version mismatch from client to server-side. Have a look here: Unable to establish SSL connection upon wget on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS EDIT: Upon further digging into the problem, it could also be because of a wrong system time or an old version of wget.

How do I completely mirror a web page?

If your just looking to run a command and get a copy of a web site, use the tools that others have suggested, such as wget, curl, or some of the GUI tools. I use my own personal tool that I call webreaper (that’s not the Windows WebReaper though. There are a few Perl programs … Read more

Post request with Wget?

Wget currently doesn’t not support “multipart/form-data” data. –post-file is not for transmitting files as form attachments, it expects data with the form: key=value&otherkey=example. It is actually possible to post other formats (json) if you send the corresponding header. –post-data and –post-file work the same way: the only difference is that –post-data allows you to specify … Read more