Is there a way to embed a Google Docs form in a page without using plugins?

No, that’s not possible. You can find a list of providers for embeddable coontent in wp-includes/class-oembed.php: ‘#https?://(www\.)?*#i’ ‘*’ ‘*’ ‘#https?://(www\.)?vimeo\.com/.*#i’ ‘#https?://(www\.)?dailymotion\.com/.*#i’ ‘#https?://(www\.)?flickr\.com/.*#i’ ‘#https?://(.+\.)?smugmug\.com/.*#i’ ‘#https?://(www\.)?hulu\.com/watch/.*#i’ ‘#https?://(www\.)?viddler\.com/.*#i’ ‘*’ ‘*’ ‘http://i**’ ‘http://gi**’ ‘#https?://(www\.)?scribd\.com/.*#i’ ‘*’ ‘#https?://(.+\.)?polldaddy\.com/.*#i’ ‘#https?://(www\.)?funnyordie\.com/videos/.*#i’ ‘#https?://(www\.)?*#i’ ‘#https?://(www\.)?soundcloud\.com/.*#i’ ‘#https?://(www\.)?*#’ ‘#http://instagr(\.am|am\.com)/p/.*#i’ Google is not in that list, so you have to ask the administrator.

open all .docs in word online

I’m not sure this question is WordPress-related. It sounds like it might be handled via .htaccess redirect, or a browser extension. That said: you could try to use the wp_get_attachment_url filter, that is applied to the URL returned by wp_get_attachment_url(). For example: function wpse95271_filter_wp_get_attachment_url( $url ) { if ( 0 === stripos( strrev( $url ), … Read more

wget/curl large file from google drive

WARNING: This functionality is deprecated. See warning below in comments. Have a look at this question: Direct download from Google Drive using Google Drive API Basically you have to create a public directory and access your files by relative reference with something like Alternatively, you can use this script: