Bruteforce attack from
Bruteforce attack from
Bruteforce attack from
Disabled Heartbeat but i think it’s still working. Is there a plugin or script to check it?
The following test is carried to find out why. Because the test will touch the core source code. Only do it if you feel comfortable to do so. Testing environment PHP 7.4.9 WordPress 5.5 No plugin and then tried 1 plugin to stop heartbeat. (make sure ajax is not interfering the experiment) default theme No … Read more
As Mark Kaplun says in the comments, you shouldn’t do it. But here’s how to enqueue the heartbeat script for all users on the public side… if you really, really want to overload your server. add_action( ‘wp_enqueue_scripts’, ‘enqueue_heartbeat’ ); function enqueue_heartbeat() { wp_enqueue_script( ‘heartbeat’, includes_url( js/heartbeat.js ) ); }
Not 100% sure if that’s the cause but can you try replacing $ with jQuery? I remember seeing something like this in the past in a similar case.
admin-ajax.php + load-scripts.php hanging for minutes
I found the solution to my problem was to change to my_data.my_key. For example: $( document ).on( ‘click’, ‘#button’, function() { var my_data = wp.heartbeat.getQueuedItem( ‘my_handle’ ); alert( my_data.my_key ); }); The queued data can be easily accessed now.
Am I correct in my thinking that this file is only ever fired if someone is actually logged into the control panel and not under any other circumstances such as someone just visiting the site? No, Ajax API is used for arbitrary requests, including those for the front–end and non–authenticated users. Am I correct in … Read more
because the Heartbeat system is mostly orthogonal to the rest of wordpress and therefor it is not really aware what is the content of the pages it runs on. As it is a relatively new system it probably has edges that are not well defined or tested, and if you think there is some weird … Read more
No, it’s not okay to lock down or block access to wp-admin and/or it’s sub-directories. Not only you already mentioned this is a crude method, it could and most likely will break the site, depending on its theme/plugins. The reason is that some plugin or themes depend on either admin-ajax.php or admin-post.php to accomplish some … Read more