External rewrite rules missing in htaccess – Multisite

Rewrite rules are not added to htaccess by default: they are recorded in the options table, under the option name rewrite_rules. That option is checked every time WP runs parse_request. If your rewrites aren’t working as expected I’d look elsewhere for the cause (incorrect regex, rules in wrong order, rules being added too late etc).

Add rewrite endpoint and .htaccess

https://xxxx.com/informe-calculadora/1/[email protected]&id=610 Redirect 301 /wp-content/plugins/custom-plugin/public/partials/informe.php /informe-calculadora/$1 The $1 “backreference” at the end of the target URL is in error (the Redirect directive does not support regex in which backreferences can be captured). This will likely be seen as literal text, which would explain the erroneous 1 at the end of the target URL (the $ is … Read more

How can I stop WordPress from catching URL’s for static pages that I save on my server

Richard To be honest I think you are asking How can I stop WordPress from responding to URL’s for static pages that I save in other directories on my server Basically its in 2 files your VHOST (which maps mydomain.com to www/some_folder/ ) your .htaccess file which manages redirects So you can do 2 things … Read more

Redirect a WP to another with all URL

If you want 301/302 redirect sitewide my suggestion is to use .htaccess file, but that’s not a good practice at all. Anyway the code should be something like this Options +FollowSymLinks RewriteEngine On RewriteBase / RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^OLDDOMAIN\.com$ [NC] RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://NEWDOMAIN.com [R=301,L] Note: Change the R=301 to whatever you would want where R=301 would … Read more

Adding react app to an existing wordpress website

You need to include scripts and styles properly as it has been done here https://github.com/radekzz/wordpress-react-in-theme add_action( ‘wp_enqueue_scripts’, ‘enqueue_my_react_app’ ); function enqueue_my_react_app(){ foreach( glob( get_template_directory(). ‘/myReactApp/build/static/js/*.js’ ) as $file ) { // $file contains the name and extension of the file $filename = substr($file, strrpos($file, “https://wordpress.stackexchange.com/”) + 1); wp_enqueue_script( $filename, get_template_directory_uri().’/myReactApp/build/static/js/’.$filename); } foreach( glob( get_template_directory(). ‘/myReactApp/build/static/css/*.css’ … Read more