return content section as json in wp rest api v1

You can (and you should) always filter the output of WP_REST_API. add_filter(‘json_prepare_post’, ‘change_this_into_a_proper_function_name’, 999); function change_this_into_a_proper_function_name($post){ // hack and slash into your $post here. This is a regular WP_Post // add custom fields and tax terms you might need, remove what // you don’t want to expose to app or are never going to need… … Read more

Querying Posts Using JSON API

I found this this url got me the results I needed –[listing_area]=channel my post type being listings and the slug of my term channel

Dynamic data table from external json feed

For the first question you could try with the following gist in the github For the second option you should create a form with two fields date and distance and on the change event of those two fields you should create ajax request. and bind the result to the data table. Hope this helps.

Creating an Angular factory from custom database table

Guess I should have read the error page more carefully, because it contained the answer in plain English. In the factory request is should simply match the request to the response signature (an array in my case), thus becoming: angular.module(“app”).controller(“MainController”, [“$scope”, “commentRepository”, function ($scope, commentRepository) { commentRepository.query(function(data) { $scope.comments = data; }); }]); Instead of … Read more

How to populate data from JSON using AJAX in TypeScript? [closed]

using $.getJSON Jquery function you can load JSON data from the server using a GET HTTP request. ///// private rssValidate() { var base=this; if(base.$rootSelector.length!==0) { var jsonUrl = base.$rootSelector(base.$rootSelectionString).attr(‘data-url’); $.getJSON(jsonUrl, function(data) { console.log(data); }); } } } /////// hope this help

adding two json fields to post_content

this is the solution: ‘post_content’ => $product_data[‘note’] . ‘<br>’. $product_data[‘note2′], this concatenates strings ‘note’ and ‘note2’. Thanks for the hints.

AJAX Filter WHILE Loop not working WordPress

I think you should organize your code to return things from Ajax call. If this should work for any user you need to use also wp_ajax_nopriv_… However, I would use dionoh_filter_reports action name. add_action( ‘wp_ajax_dionoh_filter_reports’, ‘filter_reports’ ); add_action( ‘wp_ajax_nopriv_dionoh_filter_reports’, ‘filter_reports’ ); I suggest you check this and learn more.