Varnish + Nginx for WordPress is Good?

Yes, it is good, but other options are also good. There is no silver bullet in term of webservers and caching software, if there was everybody would have been using the same tools. It depends both on what are your actual needs and how comfortable are you with managing the tools. For example it might … Read more

Optimizing multiple WP_querys into one call?

Your description of the problem is not very clear, and your inconsistent code formatting makes that hard to read (plus I am pretty sure some code is missing), but if the problem is running the query multiple times you can solve that with a static variable. function get_gametitle_info() { static $game_info_query = false; if (false … Read more

Make different sites on multisite reference same script

Hi this is what I did to solve it: add_filter( ‘script_loader_src’, ‘change_src’ ); add_filter( ‘style_loader_src’, ‘change_src’ ); function change_src( $url ) { if( is_admin() ) return $url; // Don’t filter admin area return str_replace( site_url(), ‘’, $url ); } I’m using both those filters because I want it to apply to script and stylesheet urls. … Read more