Separate Profiles for Users
As mentioned by @PieterGoosen in the comments, all I had to do was shift my code to a custom author.php and the rest was solved.
As mentioned by @PieterGoosen in the comments, all I had to do was shift my code to a custom author.php and the rest was solved.
@Edward, You’ve configured the Xdebug profiler output filename in such a way that it overwrites the output file, each time, you run the process. %u, %H, %R – you mentioned in the output name are called format specifiers. There are couple of ways to figure out which file you may want to analyze. Use %t … Read more
How can i add user display name drop down menu in frontend?
Now I do have quite an aggressive caching turned on with WP Super Cache. Does it still matter if I force-rewrite the titles then? Or in my case it doesn’t change a thing since pages are pre-generated and served as static content? Yes it does matter because you are not serving cached content 100% of … Read more
Setting an input to “read only” by whatever means, Javascript or PHP generated or hard-coded markup, has zero security value. It is trivial to remove that “lock” with FireBug or the Web Developer extension, and I am sure others as well. What you are doing is cosmetic at best. If you want to prevent the … Read more
You can accomplish that with: a regular instal of WordPress but with a lot of work and hacking around to get it where you want. a multisite install of WordPress that would make it a bit easier but still a lot of work and customization. a fairly easy case with BuddyPress. Basically it just installing … Read more
So, as Bainternet notes, you would need to compare the new field value to what it was right before the edit. In essence, you will need to build in version control for the profile fields. You will need to add a database table to store this info, using the the $wpdb object to write, and … Read more
If you look at the source for the home_url() function, you’ll note a small series of function calls eventually invoking get_option(). As explained in this WPSE Answer, the get_option() function is cached, meaning that if an option’s value is already in memory, get_option() returns that value instead of querying the database again. As a result, … Read more
you got the first part right about using personal_options_update but to be on the safe side add edit_user_profile_update also. and as for sending emails within WordPress the best way would be to use wp_mail, So something like this: add_action( ‘personal_options_update’, ‘notify_admin_on_update’ ); add_action( ‘edit_user_profile_update’,’notify_admin_on_update’); function notify_admin_on_update(){ global $current_user; get_currentuserinfo(); if (!current_user_can( ‘administrator’ )){// avoid sending … Read more
The size of the table isn’t really the issue, the queries you’re running on that table might be. For example, if you’re selecting users based on data stored in the user-meta table, then that query will be highly unoptimized, because meta_value is not an indexed field. In which case you may need to add extra … Read more