Rows with custom columns not well formatted after Quick Edit save
Rows with custom columns not well formatted after Quick Edit save
Rows with custom columns not well formatted after Quick Edit save
How to use TinyMCE in the quick edit form?
Make sure that show_ui and show_in_menu are set to true when the post type is enabled. then all the usual post/pages features will be available. See Also make sure that those features are explicitly declared as by the CPT as supported.
The admin_notices hook fires only once per page load, and isn’t fired when a post is quick-edited. You would have to do it browser-side with javascript – that is, listen for when someone edits and saves a post (which is done via AJAX) and use javascript to display a message. A quick glance at the … Read more
WordPress does not send the content of custom fields during autosave (just title, slug and content). That’s why the custom field content will be deleted if you try to save the data: You cannot see the difference between deleted and missing content. I would create a separate autosave function for that, because the way WordPress … Read more
Undo your core-file change Replace query_posts() with a proper call to new WP_Query() for your secondary query loop. Your admin bar issues will auto-magically disappear.
If your problem is: I want to send email if a postmeta of a post is changed to the expected value Why do yous ask for: How can i get the List of post id on bulk edit? This is a typical x/y problem: when you have a problem, ask how to solve that problem, … Read more
You can refer this answer to answer to hide the quick edit functionality Remove specific items from Quick Edit menu of a Custom Post Type? Instead of gallery you can use product. You can write the codes in your theme’s or child theme to hide the quick edit section.
You could use the auto generated Gravatar options in the back end which will randomly assign an “avatar” to those who do not have one. You will find this when you go to your WordPress back-end Settings > Discussion and scroll down to the bottom. Or you can have a custom avatar replacement for those … Read more
A common method to keep all the posts open for comments, is to add this line into the file functions.php in the current theme directory : add_filter(‘comments_open’, ‘__return_true’); where __return_true is just a core function that always returns true. ps: since this seems to be helpful, regarding to the problem described by @user27309, it’s better … Read more