Slideshow missing when page loads? [closed]

The name home.php is reserved for use by the Template Hierarchy as the Blog Posts Index. To create a custom template for the Site Front Page, use front-page.php. Another issue: your slideshow jQuery script needs to have a no-conflict wrapper, and should not execute until the page is loaded. Instead of this: $(function() …you need … Read more

Ajax Slideshow in Post

OK, this turned out to be really simple, flexible and awesome. Your single.php: <div class=”post-body”> <?php the_content(); ?> <div class=”post-pagination”> <?php wp_link_pages(‘before=<p>&after=</p>&next_or_number=number&pagelink= %’); ?> </div> </div> Your script.js: $(document).ready(function(){ jQuery(‘.post-pagination a’ ).live(‘click’, function(e){ e.preventDefault(); var link = jQuery(this).attr(‘href’); jQuery(‘.post-body’).load(link + ‘ .post-body ‘, function(){ jQuery(‘.post-pagination p’).show(); }); return false; }); }); Your post markup: <img … Read more

Include subtitle display to slideshow

Subtitles aren’t standard in wordpress so it’s hard to know where to find yours. This code needs to be placed in the frontpageSlideShow function. Below where it says //format informations add: $subtitle = //wherever your post subtitles can be found, probably in a custom //meta Then, you need to add your subtitle to the $fscontent … Read more

a slider menu is compromised in space

I can see the problem is that max-height: 120px is set in the inline css of <div id=”soliloquy-container-1124″ class=”soliloquy-container soliloquy-fade”>. Removing that style solves the issue.

Slider do not add alt attribute. Cant get alt attribute from a media library!

When I test get_the_post_thumbnail (also the_post_thumbnail) on WordPress 3.5.1, the alt attribute is added as it should be. If you look at the source, you will see that get_the_post_thumbnail uses wp_get_attachment_image which does add that alt attribute. By default, that attribute is the image file name but it can be edited from wp-admin->Media to be … Read more

How can i make like this structure?

Do you mean when you click on each (or any) News item, you have the scroll list of video/image + the slider OR your accordion replaces the scroll list in your capture ? Anyhow, i think this is more a javascript question than a WordPress one. You could use jquery UI Accordion , or an … Read more

slide change on hover with nextgen scrollgallery [closed]

Solution I am providing intiates the click event when mouse enters the thumbnail (with a delay to avoid passing mouse events). jQuery(‘.scrollgallery .thumbarea img’).hover(function(e){ this.ScrollGalleryHover = setTimeout(‘initiateClick(“‘+jQuery(this).attr(‘src’)+'”);’,500); },function(e) { clearTimeout(this.ScrollGalleryHover); }); function initiateClick(src) { jQuery(‘.scrollgallery .thumbarea img[src=”‘+src+'”]’).click(); }