SMS messaging twordpress plugin [closed]

I would personally implement the api myself, depending on the service provider you use for SMS. But if you have a look at this plugin, I think you can achieve what you are looking for.

WordPress SMS API integration without plugin

I think this is the error. The last variable $msg is incorrectly inserted. Here is the corrected code. function mysite_woocommerce_order_status_processing( $order_id ) { $mobile=”123456″; $url=”****/api.php?username=******&password=1234&source=UPDATE&dmobile=”.$mobile.”&message=””.$msg.”””; $response = wp_remote_get( $url ); //print_r($response); } add_action( ‘woocommerce_order_status_processing’,’mysite_woocommerce_order_status_processing’ );

$_POST[‘message’] gives a 404 [duplicate]

To insert a post into the WordPress database, whether you are doing it as a logged in user to the current WordPress installation or over XML-RPC (or any other remote methodology) you need to be using something along the lines of; $the_post = array( ‘post_title’ => ‘Post Title’, ‘post_content’ => ‘My post content’, ‘post_status’ => … Read more

How can I integrate sms api in Contact7 form in wordpress

The best way to integrate SMS into Contact Form 7 is to find an SMS provider that supports an email interface to send the SMS. Then just tick Mail 2 at the bottom of the config form and you can put your message into that. I’ve done this in the past with Kapow SMS gateway.

call funcution when clicking submit

<?php if(array_key_exists(“button1′, $_POST)) { button1(); } function button1() { echo “This is Button1 that is selected”; } ?> <form method=”post”> <input type=”submit” name=”button1″ class=”button” value=”Button1″ /> </form> </head> </html> you call button click function this type you need more refrance follow this link

WordPress Phone Verification

Of course this is possible it would just require some custom coding. This is an open ended question so I’ll give you an open ended answer of how I may go about this. Add phone number field to user contact Use the profile_update hook to store a random code associated with that number Create a … Read more

Mechanism to send to users of secured WordPress install new notifications by SMS or email?

I’d say there’s three specific requirements here; Allow users to choose notification times, timezone aware Hook into transition_post_status to listen up for new posts, and then take action Find a decent SMS API For 1), hook into show_user_profile to output your time picker field(s), and personal_options_update to save them. You could detect the user’s timezone … Read more

how can i integrate nexmo with my wordpress site?

In my knowledge, there is no available plugin that can do this. This requires custom programming. This can only be done using custom WordPress plugin. First of all, you would need a subscription form of some kind to get subscriber’s mobile number. The plugin can then integrate with WordPress using one of WordPress hooks such … Read more