Optional arguments in C function

In a C function, I want to check if an input argument (‘value’ in my case) is presented or not. i.e.: When used if(value != NULL) statement, my Console() function sends 4096 How can I check and act based on argument existence?

Why can’t we pass arrays to function by value?

The origin is historical. The problem is that the rule “arrays decay into pointers, when passed to a function” is simple. Copying arrays would be kind of complicated and not very clear, since the behavior would change for different parameters and different function declarations. Note that you can still do an indirect pass by value:

C# Passing Function as Argument

There are a couple generic types in .Net (v2 and later) that make passing functions around as delegates very easy. For functions with return types, there is Func<> and for functions without return types there is Action<>. Both Func and Action can be declared to take from 0 to 4 parameters. For example, Func < … Read more

What are “arguments” in python

An argument is simply a value provided to a function when you call it: Arguments are usually contrasted with parameters, which are names used to specify what arguments a function will need when it is called. When a function is called, each parameter is assigned one of the argument values. foo is given two arguments, 3 … Read more

Reference — What does this symbol mean in PHP?

Incrementing / Decrementing Operators ++ increment operator — decrement operator These can go before or after the variable. If put before the variable, the increment/decrement operation is done to the variable first then the result is returned. If put after the variable, the variable is first returned, then the increment/decrement operation is done. For example: Live example In the case above ++$i is … Read more