Is accessing theme and using customizer GPL distribution?

In my understanding (and I’m not a lawyer, etc etc), this would not count as distribution. I make this distinction mainly based on the fact that a separate GPL-flavoured license actually exists where this would count as distribution – the GNU Affero General Public License. GitHub’s states: GNU AGPLv3 is distinguished from GNU GPLv3 … Read more

Creating Dependant Text field in Customizer with Checkbox

In your second line you try to get the array of all mods with: $tsum_options = get_theme_mod( ‘tsum_options’); This will always return unset, because if you want all mods you need (note the plural): $tsum_options = get_theme_mods( ‘tsum_options’); Alternatively you could immediately check the relevant mod with $tsum_option = get_theme_mod( ‘tsum_options[show_map]’);