What is the constant WP_USE_THEMES for?

This is only used in template-loader.php, to determine whether it should load a theme file or not. The normal “boot sequence” of WordPress (started in wp-blog-header.php) loads the plugins, parses the URL, executes a post query based on the URL, and calls the theme. This main post query is typically used in “The Loop”. So … Read more

How do I get the theme URL in PHP?

This function will return the theme directory URL so you can use it in other functions: get_bloginfo(‘template_directory’); Alternatively, this function will echo the theme directory URL to the browser: bloginfo(‘template_directory’); So an example for an image in the themes images/headers folder would be: <img src=”https://wordpress.stackexchange.com/questions/665/<?php bloginfo(“template_directory’); ?>/images/headers/image.jpg” />